Friday, November 24, 2006

Holiday in Camp Odious

So, like, right after I got off the intarwebs last night I did a very unclever thing. I had purchased a lovely bottle of wine but had neglected to bring a cup. The lovely BAG opined that I should just drink from the bottle, but not wanting to live out her memories of reservation life (and mindful that one of my front teeth is still glued in some 15 years after the glue should have failed) I decided not to swing a big old bottle of wine around and instead found an old Arrowhead water bottle that was in the lesSUV. I filled it and it looked something like the picture you see over there to the left. And it worked well for 23 seconds.

It's failure is represented in the picture to the right.

Which is the upper right corner of our bed. And, unfortunately, where my laptop had been sitting at the time of the spill.

I swiped the laptop away in a hurry and asked the BAG to get the big pillow - I turned the computer so that the keyboard was upside down and parrallel to the ground. Fortunately my speed, and gravity, were my allies, and despite the fact that I had pretty seriously splattered the keyboard, everything works.

Except the BAGs brain, since about 5 minutes later she asked me, in apparent seriousness, if my computer had "fried yet."

It's at moments like this I understand that battering can conceivably have a decent reason.....

yeesh. as the BAG would say.

In any case, I am far to ghey to beat a woman, so we cleaned up the best we could and then slid into the bed. The bed is heated which is a good thing. The "cabin" is canvas and it is really freaking cold. The bathroom is close, but outside, and for some reason when we got here the windows were uncovered. As the bed warmed up we felt better (the smell of wine that permeated the beddings helped reassure me) and when the rain squalls came we congratulated ourselves on not having gone camping, and turned over in our very warm bed.

The rest was sleep.

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