Sunday, October 15, 2006

Working it

We had a lovely public event last night, a major success - we almost filled our theater and it was quite the last minute thing. I also met a variety of community leaders who will be added to my list of contacts and go onto our potential speaker/event list. I did have to work late and I will be working again today (pictures of our homecoming), but all things considered it went quite well. The overtime will pay for the lovely pumpkin colored shirt and matching ("matching-esque" given my style sense) tie that I purchased for the event.

Between the ties I have purchased this month, and the ties that the Bizarre Alien Girlfriend bought me, I should be set for about life. One of the ties the BAG purchased me actually became a topic at our admin meeting because it was so spiffy. This was a bit odd for me as they are normally making fun of my rolled up coat sleeves. The president mentioned it later and said I had good taste in ties.
Me: I have terrible taste
Him: That's a great tie
Me: I have terrible taste in clothes, my girlfriend bought this one..
Him: You must have good taste, you got the right girlfriend.

The "right girlfriend" was immoderately pleased when this story was recounted to her.

I was merely amused....

Since I've given up on being disgusted. ;-)

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