Sunday, October 01, 2006

Proof my GF has OCD

So the BAG is over last night as we have to head back to the old homestead and clean it up. The BAG doesn't yet have internet access at her new place - it's one of those houses with 5 jacks and 4 different phone numbers so evil AT&T just randomly opens one of the phone numbers when you call for a line. Then it is up to you to go to the box and shift things, or pay $125 for an AT&T monkey to come out and do it for you.

Which means nothing... my point is she had to check email from my place and looking over her shoulder I saw that image to the left. I quickly reached over and took a screen shot. 26492 unread messages! This is a woman who has never known the meaning of delete.

I'm scared to ask when she started this account. Why would anyone keep all that crud?

Probably related to why she still goes out with me, so I shouldn't poke around to sharply. ;-)

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