Thursday, August 31, 2006

My Social 3KilLz!

Two great ones this week...

Talking to a colleague about my need to find new living arrangements...

Me: "Yeah, I gotta find a place."
He (A married man with children): "Well, I'm moving back out of the apartment I've been living in for six months."
Me: "Why are you moving?"
He (Long Pause): "I'm moving back in with my wife."


But the next one is better. Chilling with an instructor I am particularly fond of I'm talking shit about how instructors work .75 schedules year-round and don't work much even in instruction..

Me (repeatedly): "So I was working while all you instructors were in Ibiza or Spain (yes, I actually said "Ibiza or Spain.").
She (after multiple repetitions of the above): "Well, I did get two weeks off to go visit my parents and tell them I have cancer."
Me:..... Actual silence...

Foot, meet mouth!

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