Friday, September 01, 2006

I have no idea what this means, buddy.

So I'm poking around over at Reason and they're talking about "Muslim Fuck Buddies" and it occurs to me that this might be the least likely phrase one would find on the Craigslist personals section. So, just for the hell of it, I consulted the world's foremost expert on phrase usage.

Right. I googled it.

Figuring that Muslims are probably not really into multiple sex partners (til after they blow themselves up), I turned it singular and searched for a "f*ck buddy" of various religions and came up with following results (which kept me from doing any school work):

"Jewish F*ck buddy" 7 Instances

"Christian F*ck buddy" 2 Instances

"Wiccan F*ck buddy" came in with an unexpected and dissapointing one instance. I guess no one does want to f*ck a pale fat chick wearing too much mascara.

"Muslim F*ck buddy" Zero instances

"Buddhist F*ck buddy" Zero instances

"Zen F*ck buddy" Zero instances

It gave me a slight sense of why these super-religious folks are so fucked up. At least until "atheist" and "agnostic" also turned up no matches.

Maybe if you're looking for a fuck buddy you're not really gonna be all that picky?

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