Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Beach Bug (The Completion Backwards Principle)

Had to do an online school thing today, so took advantage of that to take the whole day off. Left for Felton yesterday (place has sporadic wireless) and worked up the coast today. Took a standard picture of a dumb bird which as everyone knows is a picture I take all the time and never get right.

This is an ongoing trauma.

As we headed from beach to beach we decided not to go down onto the beach on which some sort of hominid hunting/gathering was taking place. I did snap a quick shot of the the lovely naked man foraging in the water, apparently for food. There were no clothes anywhere in sight, we were the only car in the parking lot, and I was just a bit concerned that the super-genius life I've been leading has softened my once godlike physique to the point that I have now become below Mr. Neanderthal on the food chain. And if he offered me some kind of crud he pulled from out of the creekbed?

I'd rather eat Korean!

So we wandered on and checked out Butano State (?) Park which looks like a truly excellent place to camp. No RVs at all, no showers, and vault toilets. These are the kind of conditions that drive out the lesser camper and that's what we like. In addition, only 39 sites in the whole campground, which must at least reduce the chance of horrifying late night party noises wafting in from all sides.

Then it was up to Alice's Restaurant where, unnacountably, a really red firefly took a bizarre shine to the radio antenna on the car behind me. I raced to the car to get the camera. For the first time EVER an insect, bird or animal was still there when I got back with the camera and I snapped these photos with the long lens.

Then I had a delicious burritto and we returned to the Hell that is San Jose, and the certainty (for me at least) of work tomorrow.

While we ate, since I had the big old 400mm lens out I was interupted by a waitress who wanted to know about digital cameras. The big lens seems to be an invitation for waiter/resses and bartenders/resses to start conversations with me. I rather like that, actually, because in general I'll never see them again, I think (hope) it means my food won't have any bodily fluids in it, and I can usually give some good general advice. All in all?
A better day than if I had gone to work.


  1. if this comment does not work, Yvonne will not live through the night!

  2. Anonymous2:29 PM

    That little bug is really quite a catch eh?;-)

  3. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Looks like she'll live to see another day then.
