Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Apologies to all Three Readers

One of the three of you noted that comments didn't work, so I've had to change to a canned template and start effing with it. Which is exactly how comments got lost the last time, so I suppose this only proves I'm either

A) Optomistic I can learn from past mistakes
B) Stupid
C) Living in an Illusion
D) Both B and C Which adds up to Republican

which is a lie, because the real answer is..

E) About to go to bed before my eyeballs fall out like that creepy scene in "The Time Machine" where the guy is in the machine and looking out into the cave and like the dude dies and then he gets all leathery like Clint Eastwood or Ann Coulter and his hair gets thin like Clint Eastwood or Ann Coulter and then he gets all shriveled up like Ann Coulter and then, like, his eye falls out. And everything.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:01 AM

    One out of three of your readers recommends this blog!

    Thanks for fixing the comments and comparing Ann Coulter to a Dead, shriveled up zombie is just plain mean.

    To the zombie.
