Wednesday, January 18, 2006

My rules for making a vacation a good one..

Well, alright, guidelines:

1) Go with friends of longstanding or go by yourself.

2) Drink *less* than you do at home

3) Try every food they offer you (Unless you're some kind of mentally crippled up Vegan). On the last vacation I had "live" octopus tentacles, coagulated pig's blood, and most of the lower intestine of a lamb. So maybe you might disregard this "rule." ;-)

4) Understand you might get sick now and then

5) Don't go for fewer than 10 days

6) Meet a local if you can

7) Drinking establishments are great places to meet people (subject to rule #2)

8) Bring a camera

9) If it's foreign, know at least 10 words of the language unless it's France in which case they will hate you no matter how good your language is.

10) Vacation far away, or it's just a 'trip.'

11) Learn about your vacation site before you go.

As as semi-academic I also try to take pictures and write about every vacation just because it allows me to get perspective on the vacation as it is going on.

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