Thursday, January 19, 2006

Don't Do the (puny) Crime if You're Doing a Much Bigger One!

This is one of my "stances" on obeying the law. And it comes from observing a friend who received several DUIs. He didn't get pulled over for suspicion of a DUI, he got pulled over THREE TIMES for bad registration tags.

Just so happened he was blotto each time. From this I formulated the notion that if you are guilty of a big crime, you'd better not be seen guilty of any small ones. The small crime is kind of like the key to the lock.. once the lock is open the door is worthless...

Today my boy Leif Garrett proves my wisdom again. He got caught for NOT HAVING A SUBWAY TICKET at the same time he was carrying narcotics.

Good god. How stupid could you be?

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