Sunday, July 24, 2005


On the road in Serene Lakes and hanging out by the meadow.. took some pictures of some snakes. Right at the edge of the little lake in the meadow is a concrete abuttment which leads to a little spillway. Tadpoles just about to become actual frogs were swarming (well, like anchovies - all in one direction) and it brought the water snakes out... I have a bunch of photos but most of them are RAW format and I'm on a borrowed computer with...... "lesser" ... capabilities. I should know, I bought the thing as a birthday gift.

Anyway, between about 11 and 12 the water snakes started coming and gorging and I took a few shots... then I had a beer back.

And took these photos:

Snake approaches:

Snake eats unlucky tadpole:

snake wanders around oblivious to me because I was downwind all of three feet.


  1. Anonymous2:04 AM

    I can hardly wait for you to see some of the SA pictures. The snakies are neat; I have some of skinks that are pretty good.

  2. Hee- hee!

    You don't have much of a "blog" when you talk to your mom there...

    Can't wait to see.. late September..

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