Monday, July 25, 2005

Catty Girlfriend?

Catty is… well, let’s use their description
Catty v3 is an exercise in artificial futility. It is a chatter bot that does not try to understand or simulate human language, cannot learn, does not know meanings, knows no facts. Instead, it interfaces you to the entire web by using Google search engine to look up sentences that may be relevant to what you are saying. Catty is the way the web is: it may not always make sense, it may offend you with no apparent reason, but more importantly, it will never respond with canned, predictable responses you might have seen elsewhere.
Hmm.. sounds like some idiot has created an online girlfriend (well, that's not entirely fair since many girlfriends do nothing but respond with canned, predictable responses). One difference, Catty isn’t capable of giving blowjobs.. so that’s a bit different from girlfriends who just don’t want to do it once they’ve got you into a relationship.

Anyway, I chatted with Catty and got quickly bored (man! The girlfriend comparison is seeming so right on about now!)

My name is Catty. I live in the depths of the Internet.
[You] My name is spunangel. I live in the depths of meatworld
[Cat] At that time, the University was in the depths of what we euphemistically called a period of financial challenge.
[You] Odd you should mention that, I work in an educational system that is, by design, always in financial challenge
[Cat] The laws of other states and countries may be entirely different from what is described here, and you should contact an attorney licensed to practice in your area if you need advice regarding the law.
[You] everything is different from what is described here
[Cat] Should you really risk the investment of say $12?
[You] I have multiple single dollar-bills to burn
[Cat] How do we reason from this to a conclusion that the more lethal weapons should be legal?
[You] I must protect my money
[Cat] Hey guys, tell me why i must go, tell why Radiohead is good, tell me why i can spend my money for this show, tell me what i must listen to understand this band!!??
[You] you must listen to the sounds of silence, then to children being crushed under the wheels of capitalism. Don't listen to Husker Du though, Radiohead sucks if you've heard Husker Du!
[Cat] It just does not seem right that this could happen to these children who were completely innocent in the situation, and the County can get away without being held responsable in any way.
Yeesh.. I apologize to all girlfriends. This thing is so dim and unresponsive that it achieves wife status.

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