Monday, November 03, 2008

What to do..

Apparently the Civil Defense Office joins our intrepid old-lady from the previous post in recommending dildoes for just about any problem you might have.

And now I have a new hypochondria health worry . My blood pressure sometimes drops directly after I exercise.

Google thoughtfully reveals that this is a sign of early heart disease and that I am certain to die young (well, as young as I can at this advanced age).

As many of my schemes were premised on immortality, I feel that this is a bit of a blow to them.

I'll get back to you all with the rethink on my plans. Maybe tomorrow - if I live that long!


Anonymous said...

isn't that amazing! If I have to change my will, Jen will get it all so... hang in there!

Charles Montgomery said...


My understanding is if I pre-decease you (due to my heart condition or Korean drivers) Jen gets it all anyhow?

Anonymous said...

You ought to try having a bit of ramen towards the end of your workout. That should do the trick!