Friday, April 08, 2011

Major (Le()AGUE Symptoms..

The ague hangs on tenaciously, though I am not nearly as affected as my lovely wife whose loveliness, I must say was dented by intense snuffling, liver-coughing-up, and couch-sprawling.

I was at least well enough to come out today - a lovely day.. and as it turns out the stage of vAGUEness I'm in is perfect for editing... the words do lovely little dances and, strangely, I can concentrate better.

Which is good as I'm doing some super interesting stuff for an upcoming literary conference. It's well translated and fun to read.. the current article has some Korean discussing the ongoing death of the novel, and since he begins with "A Modest Proposal" in his title, I'm waiting to see what kind of shoe drops at the end of the essay...

Four day weekend, since today was mountain-climbing day for the school...

Good times..

Off for some coffe and a bAGUEtte.....

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