Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Summer Breaking.. Beauty!

It was hottish today, but windy and clear... a nice enough day to walk into work over Namsan which, despite substantial damage from the Typhoon, was green and practically glowing. The wind was pushing loose leaves, litte branches, dust and other detritus sprung loose by the Typhoon in little circles and then long waves down the asphalt... just a perfect fall day.....

And, my iPod was playing songs that sounded like they had been picked just for me! How weird is that.?

The semester is coming together well.. two classes are kind of cut and dried and the only trauma was that I was told that I was teaching a US/UK culture class when it turned out to be a class in Multi-cultural studies. So I'm kind of scrambling to get that one together, but it just means that I'll have another class totally prepped when this semester ends, since the US/UK one I prepared is pretty perfect.

I was a guest on TVS eFM last night (the English radio station here) and it seems it may lead to a regular spot doing a segment on Korean literature - it also led to a couple of people following me on twitter, which isn't really spectacular news, but it means that someone will be listening.

Now I have to figure out my flights to New Zealand for this December..

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