Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sometimes Life Just Isn't Fair (and that works out for me)


Got back from Thailand just in time to open the file The Korean Tourist Conference sent to me and to discover that it was only two days away (I thought it was on the weekend). The conference was on the 26th and 27th (Thursday and Friday) but the the email also said we would "be on our own for dinner" on Wednesday.

Which implied, to me, they expected us Wednesday. Good, because Wednesday was the only night Yvonne had off. Bad because the clumsily worded email had only been talking about people who bused up from Daegu.

We got there to some consternation from the hosts, but they put us up in a totally killer suite on the 7th floor (lovely view of the surrounding valley). Then off to a very expensive dinner: 13,000 won for Galbi Tang! The soup was only average, but it was loaded with meat.

Then back to the hotel and watching TV and lolling.

Yvonne was called back to Seoul this morning and ran downstairs to buy us a quick breakfast of artificial orange-drink and sugar cookies!!!

She left and I cooled my heals until Boy Wonder Publisher/Friend showed up. He did and they didn't have his key ready, so we came up to my suite and watched TV.

When they did call, they told him his "shared" room was ready. He (rightly) was upset, and the conference officials acted like he was out of line. They said he should "understand," so he cancelled and went home.

His was the only presentation I wanted to see this afternoon, so after sharing a beer with him waiting for the bus, I am now in my enormous (solo) suite, while he is on the bus back home.

I'm watching TV, drinking beer, and waiting for dinner.

Soon I will start looking at the photos from Thailand....

LOL.. I'd feel guilty about all this, but I'm past that whole guilt thing...

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