Sunday, March 07, 2010

Back in the Saddle Again!


One week into the semester, marriage nightmare behind us (and Yvonne having gone full ajjumah!), and we took a little walk up Mt. Namsan.

Seoul is "re-doing" Namsan to make it more tourist friendly... though what I see so far seems to be dirt replaced with concrete..... Here is the fish pond:

Then we walked up and, since I was already powered by Soju Breakfast, we just had to get Yvonne some sugar:

Then we watched the swordstuff (down there on the right is the hacked off bit of innocent bamboo):

Whilst dogs humped in the background:

Then Yvonne posed again:

And prayed to a heater...

Then it was home.... as it had become farking cold!


  1. Anonymous8:04 AM

    WTH does "Blogger has broked me" mean?


  2. Aah..

    they had a "migration" tool (to get rid of ftp accounts like mine), that just froze the site for 10 days..
