Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Great Contrapuntally Rotating Monkey Tits!

It is cold here... How cold? I'm having to develop a scale for coldness and I think we are currently somewhere between

"spray a cat with a hose and it freezes in place" cold


"threat to external genitalia" cold...

To be honest, I'm not sure which is worse....

Why was I out in all of this frigidity? Remembrance of girlfriends past? Suicidal ideation?

Visa extension.

And, did I find the place to do it. At the Omogyko immigration building they have a special room for professors and other special people. It's like.. like ... well, I never was a fan of strip-clubs, specially since my genitalia froze off in the "Big Seoul Cold" of 2010, but it's like the champagne room.

It has a TV with a remote control, couches, a FREE computer and fax machine, and staff who speak nearly flawless English. Even better? When I came in they were on #26 and my ticket was #28. I sat down, read the English newspaper they provided, and was in and out in about a half an hour, including some social yammer with my immigration representative.

Just amazing how being a professor changes the treatment you get... and you can look right across the lobby and see the laborers/hagwon teachers/Canadian dope-smokers struggling with the enormous queue.



  1. Anonymous11:12 PM

    so that means we are having a wedding?

    if yes, keep those puppies warm!!

  2. Anonymous12:14 AM

    and the upshot is.....? What, exactly?


  3. Anonymous2:35 AM

    Pull your stupid sleeves down and it will not feel so cold.


  4. Anonymous10:04 AM

    LOL...sounds like my visa will work out and I hope I'm in the US by next Friday at the latest...:-)

    future wife of an ice cube ;-p

  5. Anonymous2:12 PM

    So, what does 'next Friday' really meen? With today being tomorrow, being born one year old, ya just never know.


  6. Anonymous12:22 AM

    How do you throw up a poll on here. I want people to vote on what the next thing to come u will be.
    1. Airline strike.
    2. Locust
    3. Blizzard
    4. Turning to pillar of salt with backward glance.
    5. Yvonne wises up.


  7. Anonymous12:34 AM

    well I really want to pick #4, but I'll go with #1......


  8. Anonymous2:14 AM

    I'm with Jen. Altho you might add typhoon.

  9. Anonymous8:20 PM

    LOL-I told my coworker this process: I should waltz in, get things explained in English, waltz back out, go to the OTHER visa office, get my papers processed, and then get on an airplane...

    he laughed...he left me with this comment ringing in my ears "you forgot to mention hell freezing over"

    a lifer in South Korea?;-p

  10. Anonymous8:23 PM

    lifer referring to me of course!;-)

  11. Anonymous3:42 AM

    Please send Sandy your CC information and be sure to go check out both venues as soon as you get back to the States......

