Friday, February 26, 2010

Denied and Victory!

I was in the bank learning another truly odd (stupid to my mind, but who knows) thing about Korea: You can't pay a "partial" bill. I paid a gas bill before I left for the US, but received a new bill that did not reflect the payment.. after much to-ing and fro-ing (which probably added four or five phrases to my Korean), they accepted payment for the part still owed...

And then.. about 15 seconds later, paid me back for it and said without a bill with the correct amount owed, I couldn't pay any of it. Weird... bordering on stupid....

But.. on the TV in the bank, just at the time I came in, Yu-na was stomping the living crap out of her long performance. When it ended, you could see she knew she nailed it, and her coach did also. Coincidentally, I saw that Yu-na was being followed by her rival from Japan, Mao Asada. So I just hung out in the bank lobby with all the other customers who had wandered in. Asada seemed spooked to have to follow Yu-na, and wibbled and wobbled out her performance.

Yu-na for the gold!

PS.. ESPN is still, idiotically, struggling to find a decent picture of Yu-na to put on their splash page. Odd, for one of the prettiest ice-skaters out there..

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