Thursday, January 21, 2010

End of Short-Term Whites


classes ended Tuesday, so I've been living the life a professional man of leisure. Wednesday was all about finishing grades and purchasing a new printer. I had to go out to Hongdae in the rain, to get the printer.. and lug it a couple of kilometers in a plastic bag. It started out a nice, light 30 pounds, but by the time I had walked it to the tube station, through the transfers, then out and up my hill, it seemed to weigh about 3 tons. Still good to have, since being able to print out things I am writing speeds my writing process up considerably.

Then it was a quick hack at grading - all done and sent off by 5 in the evening.

Today was light-housecleaning and laundry. Sat down with the two book reviews I'm supposed to finish and, by dint of having printing in the house, have finished one and am at 1,000 words on the other. Amazing what having a printer does for that process.

Now I'm avoiding doing what I really need to do to finish the second review; reread the book now that I have the outline and much of the text done... So I spent a lot of time watching clips of the Leno-Conan-Letterman-Kimmel kerfluffle they seem to be having in The Empire.

Funny stuff...

Now, I suppose, off to reading... ;-)

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