Friday, June 26, 2009

With apologies to Mr. Blake

Upon the occasion of having been bitten.....

The Mogi

Mogi, Mogi, aloft alight
Waiting for a time to bite,
What immoral hand or eye
Gave stings and wings to a housefly?

From what distant drapes, on my fat thighs
Do you sit and peer and set your eyes?
On what silent wings, do you aspire
To leave a sting that burns like fire?

What nimble fingers, & what art
Made you long for fluid from my heart?
And when thy heart began to beat
Did that creator sense his own defeat?

What the thimble? what the stick?
That built you with your cruel prick
Who the devil? With lack of grasp
Made you want to sting my ass?

When the stars threw down their spears
Did the creator have a couple beers,
Did he smile, his work to see?
Did the creator of man, make Mogi?

Mogi, Mogi, aloft alight
Waiting for a time to bite
What immoral hand or eye
Gave stings and wings to a housefly?


  1. Anonymous9:17 AM

    You forgot to include those mosquitos with menengitis, first one found for this season in Chungcheonbukdo.

    Have you seen those mosquitos that, after sucking on blood all night, can't fly but spiral/crawl on the floor in the morning? Step on them and a quarter size crimson splatter/puddle forms...


  2. Geeze....

    The good news keeps coming! ;-)

    And, no mosquito gets that big in my pad. I destroy them with the avenging hand of Mogi-God!

  3. Anonymous3:13 PM


  4. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Oh, in case you missed the reference:


  5. MAF


    I didn't get the reference even though I'd seen the video...

    I R tarded!
