Wednesday, March 11, 2009


all the time spent at immigration did not add up to a Visa as BPU2's theory that a letter saying I was hired would be considered to be equivalent to a contract was, well, a flawed theory.

Still, this news back to BPU2 got them on the stick and I should have contract tomorrow, so I'll know the real terms of my deal. I went shopping this afternoon, to drown the sorrow, and purchased a lovely stainless steel pot to replace the aluminum-coated Alzenheimer-inducing piece of crap I left behind in South Central. I also started to buy the pieces for sound and light-proofing the bedroom and discovered a big patch of mold in the window roof that I'll need to nuke out.

Still, starting to settle in is nice and I'm still completely in love with the stove and washing machine.

oh, I also joined the gym which, I suppose, means I should grab out my goals from last year, see how I did on them, and set the next set.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:03 PM

    ahh, the good ol sound and light proofing never ends!!
