Friday, March 13, 2009

Forced March!

Two exciting things from the annals of BPU2

1) The conversation class I am teaching does turn out to have a syllabus. It's a total piece of shit, full of cultural hooie and good intentions. It is also written by a guy who, well.. let's just say this is your last chance to drop my a note about getting a meanmail, cause it goes out this weekend. But the sad news is I will have to tell my class we do have this shitty syllabus and have to use it.

2) The Translation kids are such little monsters that in one day (ONE DAY!) they maxed out the transfer level on my bigger server. This meant that I had to take a crash course in how to use the BPU2 site which has unlimited transfer. It was a couple of hours of grunting over diagrams, but it will be much easier to use in the long run, so I suppose it was worth it.

Tonight is some kind of impromptu drinking exhibition for the department and I am invited (semi-ordered) to go. So I will head off to wherever it is and break this little dry spell that the ague has brought upon me.

And not moment to soon!

It is a no-spouse type of event, so I will have an excuse to leave early in that the OAF is coming up from Daejeon.

All around, good time.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Spare a thought for the reader! bigger server?? Transfer level? Best wishes for eradicating the ague.
