Thursday, March 19, 2009

Fame but no fortune..

A letter from semi-prestigious magazine:

Dear Charles,

Congratulations on your new position. Even though I work on Japan, I have a special interest in Korea and am happy that you are in Seoul. I am also attracted to your idea of a photo spread for the fall 2010 Asian Religions special section. The deadline for that issue is May 10, 2010. Please plan on a photo essay of about the same length as your first one.

I am also keenly interested in you doing a second photo essay that, if accepted, will be published in the spring 2010 issue with a deadline of December 10, 2009.

....A bunch of detail excised....

Charles, thank you so much for your interest in working with us again. I look forward to hearing from you about both of these potential topics.

name redacted

sweet! Of course planning so far ahead means that I will be hit by a bus or catch the cancer. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Structured procrastination will take care of all of that.

    Nice letter. Congrats, Fakespear! ;-)
