Friday, February 06, 2009

LOL.. I'm published in the Korea Times..

talking about that widget...

Amusingly, the Times never told me that I had been accepted, but I'll take it.

In celebration I am eating a chocolate chip cookie and having two fingers of Jim Beam (which will soon turn to a fist, and then probably a fisting).


  1. Anonymous10:47 AM

    fidget widgett. Great. Now for the hate mail.

  2. Anonymous3:35 AM

    fisted with a widget? what???

  3. Anonymous3:50 AM

    Well Perfesser,

    Maybe the widget is not intended to increase tourism, but rather to discourage it. All signs point to this: making fun of and trying to kill the silly (and dangerous) Nordic boy in the animations, distributing the widget only to insiders, who would understand it, continiued use of that ridiculous "Sparkling" slogan...

    But what do I know? I am only a lowly IA at a CC... awaiting my IOU.

