Wednesday, January 28, 2009

This and thattery

Some scrapticiousness...

  • MACY'S SUCKS: As I navigated the public transportation from SFO to San Jose, I realized that I would be passing the Macy's I intended to shop at. Since I was more than four hours before check-in time I decided I'd stop and do my shopping there and then. Walked in and asked the guy (oh, "sales-representative", I should say) if I could leave my bag at the counter. He flatly refused saying he "couldn't be responsible." I said, ok, is there a concierge around here? He said, "No in Macy's and I don't know about the mall." So, I couldn't shop there. I trudged out and towards the bus stop and, lo and behold, saw a Men's Wearhouse who were more than happy to see me leave my piece of luggage in front of their counter.

    Consequently, it was Men's Wearhouse that got my $375 of shopping. In this economy I can't imagine how a Macy's can't find the way to help me spend some money in their shop. And this Macy's is right across the street from Santana Mall, where the shopkeeps are forelock-tugging obsequities who would do anything for the sale (well, not that!).

  • The hotel was splendid and the next morning BKF picked me up. He and JAE had a bit of an adventure as they ran over a box-spring that flew off of a vehicle in front of them. When I spotted them in the parking lot, they were snapping various pieces of plastic body to the metal frame underneath. This worked in all cases, so in essence the car wasn't hurt.

  • Then it was off to Rossotis for burgers. The BFK and krewe as well as MAF and chilluns. I snapped a few pictures of these folks (more to come), and some follow here (as the OAF let me take her small camera on the condition that I take pics of everyone she misses):

Katherine plays with the creepy "stick to anything and stretch to anything" pig. I brought this as a gift, and since it was made in China, playing with it has probably taken 5 years off of all our lives.

The great unifier ponders the many uses of kamcha (sorry, no Korean keyboard here in the Empire)

The JFLO chilluns attempt to cadge free drinks.

The lovely JAE clowns for the camera

One more of the great re-unifier...
A fun time (I think) was had by all.
The next day was off to Texas and the Parental Units....


  1. Anonymous4:06 PM

    That scary pig thing is now stuck somewhere to the floor of my car.

  2. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Not to worry! Once the pig thingy picks up all the dirt from the floor, it will re-emerge, blacked and all...


  3. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Aha! As long as I find it before our 112 degree summer season starts!

  4. Anonymous3:52 PM

    You can ask your sister about my love for Macy's. We expect to see you all pretty for your visit to Soda.

