Saturday, January 03, 2009

지도둘 하고 외국인둘

Which is something like the way you'd say "Maps and Foreigners" in Korean. Because the city has changed the bus lines and mailed maps to everyone in Daejeon. Well, everyone, that is, who is not a foreigner. Every Korean address has received one and so far as I know, no foreigners have.

The 'why' of this may have become clear today, when the OAF and I stopped by the Daejeon International Center and requested two maps. "Sure," they said, but only in Korean. "No problem," sez I, and grabbed two. Then, foolishly, I gave mine to the OAF and she promptly left both of them in the Lotteria when she stepped in, without me, to grab a burger. She's special, that one.

Anyway, now I know the Korean ones exist I can head down to Daejeon Station tomorrow and grab a few. I guess the City just decided that all foreigners should get maps in English (or none at all, that still awaits seeing) and will send them when they are ready?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:58 AM

    I see your Korean in improving! Good stuff. When in doubt (or in general) leave out "들" because Koreans don't care about plurality. Unless you have a reason for special emphasis (even then, some exceptions apply), Koreans do not use "들." Now that I said this, I'm sure you'll come across many situation where you should use "들," as always....

