Monday, December 22, 2008

Do I get the Laziness Now?

I think I’m an official professor now.


Because I waited until the absolutely last day to do my grading – in fact I did it on the train up to Seoul. I even took the Mugunggwha so that I would:

a) be bored enough, and
b) have time enough to do them

Now they are done and my only concern is that for some reason the spreadsheet isn’t properly calculating my performance grades into the final result. This means that, currently, everyone failed my class. While I might have occasionally wanted to do that, it wouldn’t look good to the head office, so I’ll need to head back there and work out whatever the kinks are.

The kids did ok – 8 As; 4 B’s: 4 Cs; 1D, and; 2 Fs, with one F earned by getting caught cheating on the final. That kid was gonna fail anyway, so I guess he thought the gamble couldn’t cost him too much.


  1. Anonymous6:13 PM

    "It's bonus points if you're NOT a U.S. citizen. ;-)" Huh? Do you have a problem with American citizens?

  2. LOL...

    Being one of them, I have no problem with us (US?).

    But we iz a literate and publishing breed.. and balanced conference presentation proposals are a point for....

    I needs me some South Africans, baby!

  3. Anonymous7:39 AM

    where the f did that quote come from anyhow? not on this blog...?

  4. I left that quote on the absolutely brilliant "The Grand Narrative" blog.

    It is available to the Western world, here:
