Monday, December 15, 2008

Did you ever see the faces of the children, they get so excited?


Call from the BPU2 and they want me to come up this Friday to something like their MT ("Membership Training" and, no, I can't really explain what it is, but this link will) and give a 40 minute speech on translation and editing and meet the kiddies.

And, then, of course, drink.

I couldn't be more excited by this, both because it should be grand and because I should be able to suss out the skill levels of the kiddies.

I'm outlining the little presentation thing in my head.. a personal intro.. some talk about literature.. then something like "advice for a young interpreter"...

Let's just say that stories of working with the BKF will be liberally interspersed.

At the moment I'm uncertain as to how I should introduce the fact that 50% of working with him (in person) is ducking the wild, and potentially dangerous, flailing of his hands. ;-)

Then, there's the requirement for some beer - can their young minds handle the fact that you must first unmoor before you can connect? Could I make a joke about Othello in there? Will they stare at me as though I had just dropped, naked and fat, from a tree? How does one (in a culturally sensitive way) drop the notion of trading grades for sex? Will one of the youngsters outdrink me?

There are many questions.

But for the moment, I'm totally pumped about this opportunity to meet everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:58 AM

    ..but BPU2 doesn't know what day it is, they don't know who jesus is or what prayin' is..." err, umm. Actually I think they have the prayin' thing down.....

    Keep trying on that grades for sex thng though.

    yer sis
