Monday, December 08, 2008

Caligula Pimpin!

That's right baby! Now that I fit into Korean shirts I can also purchase ties to accessorize em. This here snapshot does not do justice to the reflective gold and silver thread in those ties, but it probably does reveal that I am colorblind (or stupid).

Two shirts and three ties for 24,000 won (about $16 American) - now that's a bargain, and now I have some "Korean-type" splashy color combinations. All I'm going to have to purchase back in the States is a coat (or two) and some shoes.



  1. Anonymous3:18 PM

    OK, who replaced my brother with a Fashionista Pod Person?

    No, no, wait. A striped shirt with a patterned tie? Whew! That means he's still alive I guess.....

    Thems some styley duds, dude.

  2. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Still, all that for $16? You just can't beat that.

