Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Best Class EVAR ends

Friday was the last meeting of the volunteer lab class. We watched a Stephen Fry documentary about the West Coast states. This made me a bit homesick, but as I will soon be home, and sick of it, this doesn't really matter. They brought me a piece of paper card/art work from China and we all hung around after class, a bit unsure of how to say goodbye.

As the title (subtlely?) indicates, this was the best class evar.

That picture to the left is one of the many I was forced to participate in, although it is quite useful inasmuch as it demonstrates all the places I will need plastic surgery, when I finally vacation in Thailand.

Then it was off to an Italian restaurant in the old downtown. Entirely run by Koreans, but with pretty good Italian food and some reasonable wine. We were celebrating the marriage engagement of two of our friends. After dinner we moved on to a bar and blabbered until nearly one.

All good, but upon returning home I couldn't sleep and tossed and turned for several hours before giving in and taking a sleeping pill from back home. When the OAF woke up at 8 and began on her usual morning routine of raising alarums, clanging pots and pans, playing unfriendly rubbers of bridge with the horsemen of the apocalypse, and raising the dead from their sweet, sweet, quiet graves, it all turned quite bad.

On the plus side, the conference panel I will be presenting in and moderating, has been accepted, so this will be another publication. Of course I will have to look back at my abstract and see exactly what it is that I have claimed to have knowledge of.

Tonight, some more red wine, and some sleep.



  1. Anonymous11:58 PM

    you look fantastic--whatever you are doing, keep doing it!

    yer sis

  2. Anonymous4:45 PM

    yeah, alls you need is one o' dem fancy ties! ;-)


  3. Anonymous7:57 AM

    YSM thinks the guy in the pic looks familiar. Maybe the antarctic snow has affected my eyesight.

  4. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Are you holding her hands? You look great!


  5. heh.. holding hands with students is against the rules..
