Monday, October 20, 2008

Just another day in the park

Sunday was lovely walk to the park day. The OAF and I slept in like gadabouts, so we were a bit late getting started. On our way to 남선 ( "Namsun" and yes, there will be a test) park, we ran across Boris, a rather large type of spider which is all over 데전.

We also passed by the ghost-town that ADAM and I had photographed (here and here) right after the mass evictions. This lump of earth is where the road used to be and offstage-right some enormous earth-moving machines were pushing dirt from here to there.

We had breakfast at about 1:00 – a delicious 갈비갈 (Galbi meat) with some of the tastiest side-dishes I’ve had in 데전. The park was cool – as usual, scads of families out there doing wholesome family things. Also the inevitable packs of ajummas in full-body track-suits, cotton gloves with pink rubberized palms, baseball hats and masks, all walking around the park but doing everything possible to make sure that not the slightest particle of nature could conceivably contact them. These ajummas walk relentlessly, almost grimly, normally in some variety of a circular pattern (depending on the trails) and they never seem to look up from the ground directly in front of them. If they are in pairs, or packs, they almost never talk with each other, instead circling and circling and then, soundlessly, wandering off whence they came.

After a while we sat down in a lovely little glade and chatted and watched folks walk by. Then it was a walk back down the Daejeon river and into downtown where we sipped beverages and then parted ways. Being an idiot, I bought a bottle of soju on the way home and felt a bit worse for it this morning. ;-)

At least I did my laundry.

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