Sunday, September 21, 2008

Various pictures of varied importance...

This bad boy was at the Ginseng Museum in Geumsan and it is possible I posted it before? But I found it on the camera card and had to try it just one more time...

Then there is this excellent drinking establishment of which, unknown to them, I am already a member!
Finally... with the paper-writing season almost over (the papers all need to be done by the end of this month so, ready or not, here they come) I can now turn to the delicious new books I've snagged on book-buying expeditions with the OAF.
There are only a few bookstores in South Central that sell any kind of used books in English, but I think the only people who visit these stores are the OAF, TMS, and me. So there's some good stuff. For whatever reason I'm all excited about reading again.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:23 AM

    browsing those titles, i can't imagine them getting anyone excited about reading
