Monday, September 08, 2008

That scamp House!

He did it again! Another cure, another disreputable performance as a human, and more droll wit.

My hero.

For some reason, “Story on O” channel is showing a House marathon and I'm down for the ride.

Well, when not freaking out about noise. This morning, as the OAF and I lay abed, the AC started cranking out some weird clicking noise and, of course, this made me super-paranoid all day. So, when the weird clicking noise went away, but the new “knocking walls” noise began, I even climbed up on the roof to see what it was.

Something in the vent system and it came on just as the clicking in the AC ended. Happily, after I climbed up on the roof and climbed back down, it went away.

Nonetheless, I will live in fear of a return of the noise for at least a week.

I’m neurasthenic enough about this that you could move me to the silent center of a massive glacier and I would eventually start to hear the ice melt on the outside of the thing. Something like Poe’s heart, but without any of the reason or drama.

I’m a remarkable sissy.

On another tack entirely, it turns out that the soup I had purchased for my new (healthier) breakfast was the wrong one. The OAF took me to show me the correct one, and it numbered out even better. So that’s a win.

I made the soup tonight and poured the rice in and it made a rather horrible and gelatinous mixture that shared all of the unfortunate aspects of maggots and rotted pancreases. Thus, I believe, I have created a new Korean food! ;-)

I was also amused to see, over at Marmot’s.. a picture of the horrible ammoniated-fish dish that was served at BKF and JAE’s wedding dinner. It was the Korean dish that has brought me closest to puking. Like all things, enough gochujang sauce covered it up and I survived.

I think that’s what my delicious new glop might need on the next go-round…..

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:59 PM

    you are a sensitive soul, just like your YSM, who wears soft earplugs for all or part of every night. So try it. If they are soft enough it won't annoy you AND they also block out snores (if anyone you know snores in her -- uh - their sleep)
