Friday, September 05, 2008


So, working on that pesky goals thing, I went to the gym today. This was a necessary step. I lost 27 pounds since I got here, which I credit to the lovely Korean diet*. And I’m certainly a bit more muscular since I’ve been walking around like a madman (props to OAF for dragging my ass out on weekends). But when I took the Blood Pressure test.

Oh my!

I won’t discuss specific numbers, since it would cause MSM to have some kind of syncopial moment about my impending syncopial moment. ;-)

But it has jumped up considerably since I arrived here, which I credit to the lovely Korean diet*.

It gives and it takes.

So I decided it was time to change the old diet and the first thing I looked at was breakfast. I normally start breakfast with a delicious bowl of Ramen and so I started there…


Each delicious packet of Ramen has just one serving. That comes with… well.. a death sentence, apparently.

99% of my daily 나트륨 (sodium) and is 500 calories of relative emptiness.

The OAF had introduced me to a lovely soup which I realized you can drop some rice into and have a lovely meal. So I ran the numbers…

One serving of the soup is 28% of my daily 나트륨 (still too much, but a massive improvement) and is only 105 calories

to this I add some pre-cooked rice.

1% of my sodium and, if I read it properly, 150 calories for half a bowl… So now breakfast is under 300 calories and not lethally salted…

so there’s breakfast..

I fear that lunch might have to include such sucky items as fruit and vegetables.. alas…

And, of course, the gym will help as I’ve done just about nothing to keep my cardiovascularity cut, flexible and powerful.

So there’s a step towards a plan…

*By which I mean my idiotic implementation of it..


  1. Anonymous10:03 PM

    I look at sodium and then carbo when I buy stuff. Sugar is obvious, like when I scarf ice cream I know what's happening.
    Good on the weight part of the diet and the rest will be ok. Losing a little myself but I backslide too often.

  2. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Take care of yourself!!!!!!

    I want my big (but getting smaller every day) brother to live 4-EVAH.....

    (I do realize that's unlikely.)

    yer sis

  3. Anonymous2:46 PM

    My wholly unqualified Rx for HTN:
    -less salt
    -more water

    No-one wants to have to carry you down the aisle at your wedding, no matter how svelte you may be.

    btw - have you done something different with your hair? it's very becoming.

    -Dr. Sunshine

  4. Anonymous10:05 AM

    I told you eating plates of vomit that tastes like flaming gasoline was bad for you!


  5. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Ramen also contains much 방부제 (food preservative). This means you may not need embalming after you die. Ramen does that... Stay off of it!

