Friday, September 12, 2008

Kim Jong-Il and My Best Friends.... ;-)

Some interesting commentary on what might happen post Kim Jong-Il over at Marmots.

On the totally bonus side MAF has moved up to MBF by sending me a lovely care-package of powdered diet beverage (the only diet drinks in Korea seem to be water, often advertised as "no calorie," and Coke Zero, which is good, but gets a bit old). I couldn't be happier about this. ;-) This also proves (as if it needed proving) that the school address is a good one.

Related, BKF has sent me a couple of recipes for healthy dinners that can be made from local ingredients. One is a kind of pizza - unlike most Korean pizza it seems to contain no corn, but it is based on rice and kimch! I LOLed.

A lovely Friday here in the Land of the Morning Calm, and I'm off to get me some coffee - black!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Amazing that a 4 lb box can get to South Korea faster than an inheritance check can get from LA to NorCal. These are the mysteries executors and the USPS.

    Glad they didn't confiscate your Kool-aid and Splenda. Cheers!

