Monday, August 04, 2008

The Scottish Reprobate Retreats

.. just like the Scottish army itself, the TSR has retreated to ancestral manse. We had a goodbye party last Friday.. it went until 2am and was a rather adult affair, considering the usual type of party we have around here. It was a wine-tasting with cheese and crackers (although the crackers only maintained their 'crack' for an hour or so - 90% humidity is a real bitch for that sort of thing). I stayed til the bitter end, since he was my office-mate and friend, and ended up walking home at about 2am with two plants from the TSRs flat.

On the way down I noticed that the Garbage Gods were also in a giving mood and I snagged the hideous green mini-dresser you see to the right. Blessed be the Garbage Gods! The thing needs some dresser-knobs and a quick slap of paint, but it already holds my speakers, hidden away, and will soon allow me to have much less crud out on flat surfaces. So that's a win.

Got home, didn't even open the beer in the fridge and went to sleep, because the next day was to be a trip to Seoul with the OAF.

By the time I would return from that trip, the TSR would be history....

Ah well, the plan is to visit him, next summer, in the Philippines (however the hell you spell that)..

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