Tuesday, July 08, 2008

A Picture of the Site?

This is from wordle.net and it seems close to my blog.. I'm a bit suspicious of it as I don't recognize some of the Korean words here and it's unlikely I would use ones I didn't know.

Anyway, the pic is cooolish...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:31 PM

    This could be a piece related to Admiral Lee and his war diary (newly translated, in both the original and fictionalized version) during the "Hideyoshi War." Hence, you see the words "vessels," "translator," "ocean," etc. The Korean words are location names and a name of a Korean General/Admiral ("원균") who fucked it up on Korean side, losing hundreds of Korean war vessels in a single battle...


    ps. I have my Korean history/literature/culture intact...hire me as a KLTI translator!
