Thursday, July 17, 2008

On Losing Focus


• I've got a cellphone.
• I've joined Costco
• On Sunday I hosted a lovely BBQ
• On Tuesday I bought some goods from a departing professor
• Tuesday night I went to ADAM's birthday party.

Could it mean I'm becoming hosed down by "things" again?

Time to move to China!

Anyway, the BBQ was splendid - Jong Kyu came by earlier in the day and bought a couple of 12-packs of beer. Everyone else (xept TMS, who has now done this two BBQs running) brought something. We started in with hamburgers, barbequed some pork, and then my bulgogi. The bulgogi was a bit too sweet .. it was my first time on the recipe and I would certainly cut the sugar in half on my next go round. The BBQ was to recognize the two new babies and one new wife in the building, and they all showed up.

The picture shows TSR on the left with two ajummas he is trying to seduce. ;-) Then ADAM's wife, the OAF, TMS showing his back, and his wife and child. We were cooking outside and bringing the food in to them. This worked because we could drink as much beer as we wanted to on the deck and it was at least 5 degrees cooler out there. The evening went on just long enough and then a couple of the women (sex roles here are pretty clear) cleaned most everything up while a couple of guys drank a few more beers.

Living in the family housing is a blessing.. not so many people and they all have responsibilites that keep them from being too lunatic.

Anyway, time to get back to some version of the grind. This paper is due on the 31st and it isn't going to write itself. I also have a local conference to get an abstract together for (though this abstract will probably just be a cleaned up version of the failed one I did for Fukuoka).

And the gymn ..... sigh...... the gymn.....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:07 PM

    i'm just guessing OAF wasn't one of them dishwashing wimmins, was she?
