Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Lonely Planet Hates Seoul?

Came by this through Marmot, the reaction to the Lonely Planet review of Seoul. I translated a tiny bit of it through stoopid bulk translation methods (until it was clear I had lost everything but my mind!)

“IMPRESSION OF SEOUL” (then some stuff I don’t get)

Travel Guide “Lonely Planet” Requires change

The feature on Seoul is not favorable

City scenery is not charming

Understanding Korean culture is impossible

After the Korean war (Korea) was initially poor but became (like) a unique melting stew of ham sausage, bean, and mixed (cotton) vegetables purchased from the black market out side the US Army Base.
anyway.. those header lines seem to indicate what Naver thinks it being said. I can't wait to see the translation pop up on Marmot.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:53 AM

    "서울의 특징은 호감주지 않아"
    "Seoul's characteristics are not as impressive."

    "매력 없는 도시 풍경"
    "Unattractive cityscape"

    "한국 문화는 해석 불가능"
    "Korean culture is impossible to analyze (or to understand)"

    '부대찌개 혹은 존슨탕은 한국전쟁 이후 가난했던 시대에 처음 만들어진 독특한 음식으로, 미군기지 주변 암시장에서 구입한 햄과 소시지·콩을 면·야채와 섞는다.'(28쪽)
    "Budae Stew, also known as Johnson Stew, is a unique concoction created during the poor post-Korean war era. Reciepy: obtain ham, sausage and beans from a black market near US military base, and mix them with noodle and vegetables." (page 28)

    '한국 문화는 거의 해석 불가능해 보이며, 종종 모순적으로 보이기도 한다.'(10쪽)
    "Korean culture seems nearly impossible to understand, and often appear oxymoranic."
