Saturday, July 12, 2008

Ghost Town Goes Down

A return visit to the Ghost City reveals that it has, alas, given up the ghost.

That picture on the left is the road that Adam and I first walked up to take the pictures of the deserted blocks (Those original pictures are available here). The picture is kind of cruddy because I snapped it through the mesh top of the fence that now surrounds the entire site.

Some enterprising kids (?) have begun to peel back the steel base of the fence, and if they ever finish the job in such a way that a fat waeguk can squeeze through, I will dart in and take some better photos.

The picture below is a lovely panorama of one corner of the entire site - the corner where the fencing is still incomplete. The stench of rotted meat is overwhelming - refrigerator meat, dead pet, who knows what, but godawful. Plenty of insects as well.

I guess the next step is that they will haul all this trash away and then construction of enormous apartment hives will begin.

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