Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Sometimes The Konglish Writes itself..

This is pretty good, from the Muju Firefly Festival

Wondrous experience of fireflies
During the festival, let's start exploration tour to meet wild fireflies in free shuttle bus at Hanpoongru at every 8 o'clock P.M. . You can feel the night sky of clean and clean Muju with hand in hand of children.
How they get the wild fireflies into the shuttle bus is not explained
Folk foods and folklores of the 8 provinces are exhibited, making it look like reckless beating. Especially, the taste of Muju Folk which you can have at Muju traditional Food Booth would be a must-go in Firefly Festival.
Between the "reckless beating" and the tasting of "Muju Folk" I have to admit I'm getting a little aroused..

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:16 PM

    How'd they get the bugs into the bus?! Who doesn't love a free shuttle bus?

    Muju Folk? Is that like Mu Shu Pork?
    Now here's something for you to ponder (from ):

    In old days, many people used to enjoy appeasing their hungers when they were tired after enjoying the leisure time by cooking some freshwater fish, which were just caught from a stream, in a cauldron over a log fire by a stream..."

    How much fun can it be to catch fish from a caudron over a log fire?

