Monday, June 16, 2008

Shaking off Rust?

I sent another abstract out today. For a conference on "Englishes." I have a couple more to send.

Then got an email from BKF that we may have a book translation gig. Not much pay, he says, but that is a big "Who Cares" from my perspective. The first time we get a book published, with our names on the inner-sleeve, we have hopped into another circle of the translating game.

The KLTI folks also sent me a lovely email saying they plan to work with me again. I hope this is true. Since BKF is hard at work at the annual competition the KLTI run for translators (I await the polishing bit in a month or so) it seems like things might be converging.

My next step is to contact Udam Kim in Seoul, and see if I can follow up on my Kim Yong-ik work.

And I SWEAR ;-) tomorrow I join the gym so I can continue to get fit. This typhoon season isn't going to wait on me.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:59 PM

    I should have read this first before asking you about Kim Yong ik on IM this morning...tsk tsk tsk...

