Friday, June 13, 2008

Rosetta Stone - selling the Korean language, ignoring the country

This is rather odd...

I am trying something I thought would be simple - purchasing and online subscription to Rosetta Stone to aid my Korean language skills...

And RS will sell me such a subscription -- well, except they won't ship a CD to Korea and when you try to purchase an online subscription, you can't use a Korean address for your credit card?


So I sent them a letter...

This is my third attempt to purchase the online version of the Korean language. I am trying to purchase the *online* version. I repeat this because my last contact resulted in an email response suggesting I try to purchase the online version. Which was what I was doing.

I am from the US but live in Korea, consequently the contact info for my credit cards is associated with a Korean address. This seems to be some kind of block for your online registration process, which doesn't have Korea as a country in its drop-down menu for payment.

Is there a way around the fact that you are selling a language product for a country that doesn't exist in your payment scheme?

thanks for your help,


I'll be amazed if it helps..


  1. Anonymous11:35 PM


    If you need to I'll order it, have it shipped to me and then send it to you (if you EVER give me your mailing address that is!).

    yer sis

  2. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Hey Supergenius,
    Why not just change your credit card billing address (even temporarily) to one of your family member's in the US?



  3. LOL,

    MAF has clearly never tried to "just" change a credit card address to an overseas address.

    Ah well, we can't all be cultural pioneers. ;-p

  4. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Oh sure, respond to YAF, but ignore yer sis.....

    hmpf. And after I won the damn election too.... (well at least until November)

    I was going to hit you up for a contribution, but Hell, you'd just ingnore me anyway.

    yer sis

  5. Sis,

    email me your routing# and checking account and I'll send a contribution. I'll wager a grand on your election if you'll get me those zoning exceptions I need when I come back!

    Not sure how to handle the paperwork on an electronic transfer?

    But your people should be good for that.


  6. Anonymous1:34 AM

    To SIS of Cat-murderer:
    Congrats on your election success! Keep going and kick butt in that run-off, ya hear? You GO, girl!

    To Roger:
    Okay, okay, I GET it. And no, I'm not a jet-setting, international homunculous of mystery like you are. Homebody Cali girl all the way... at least until I get rich! Haaaaaaa....

