Friday, June 20, 2008

The Damage Done

Some 10 days after the event these are the bruises on the OAF's inside elbow. She still can't straighten the thing out, but we're working on it.

By which I mean she's doing no rehab at all, and I'm drinking heavily. ;-)


  1. Anonymous11:44 PM

    but, but, but! I've seen the movies!

    She's a "Red Injun" right? Don't they just attach their wrists to a travois (or something) and send it off (tied to a horse on the other end) as their elbows magically crack and straighten, to then be perfectly useable and pain free?

    Sorry, I forgot, that's the brave coboys, not the heathen dirt worshippers.

    Ah well, I guess she'd better do the PT.....

    Oh, you feel free to keep drinking however. That's a proven cure for whatever ails anyone else.

    yer sis

  2. Anonymous11:45 PM

    wow! another lovely image to add to the picture library of human hurts I'm amassing in my tiny brain while working at the hospital!

    i'll bet if OAF did more of the drinking she'd be able to straighen that arm... at least until the COH wore off!


  3. Anonymous2:21 AM

    She needs some arnica! I was given some to help heal up an injury- instantly lost said tube of goo and was never able to apply it- but even just having it somewhere in my stuff helped me to heal up much quicker. Imagine what it would have done with an actual topical application!

