Friday, May 30, 2008

sCRAPs get flushed

Please feature the vocal stylings of Elvis the Prophet as I recount 2.5 strikes

1) The crap abstract I sent to Fukouka was rejected. I think I blogged this. I had a good abstract on my computer at work, but the deadline was on one of the three-day weekends on which the school was locked down. The abstract I recreated included an imaginary reference (no such author) and a bunch of unfocused crap at the end.

2) The good abstract I sent to Malaysia (by "good" I mean I made up a brand new 'critical' word) was also rejected.

3) The piece Ed and I were working on for Education About Asia was semi-rejected, although a reworking might be possible based on editorial comment.

Ah well, it can't all be beer and skittles and I will rework the Fukuoka piece for a conference here in Daejon in 09. Probably rework the EAA piece as well. The Malaysia one is probably a sign I should hunker down and work on Kim Yong-Ik, which I have foolishly abandoned.

The rest of my day was splendid, however.

Went up to school early to take photos of the Culinary Arts Program's "Food of the World" final exhibit (including thoroughly ridiculous and entertaining dioramas that I will post tomorrow). Then off to Japanese Studies where I was bushwhacked.

Get in there and there's all this weird computer gear.

Whatever.. there has also been two pair of running shoes and three pieces of cooking gear in the corner for three weeks.

I lay out the last week of the course, before the final.

One of the students says, "teacher, what about the movie?"

The movie had been planned for two weeks ago but usurped by the fact that the JS students got the whole week off for a freshman sports event. I mentioned this.

Shoulders went down all around.

About two minutes later another student says, "Teacher, you promised!"

I restate the fact that we have to study for the final. These students, who pretty much ALL got 100% on the pre-final example test I gave, slump their shoulders again.

One minute later, "Teacher, you said there would be a movie."

I pull my trump card, "I don't have one."

Shoulders ALL rise triumphantly, "Teacher, we brought one!"

So that's how I ended up watching the first half of "Jumpers" with my Japanese Studies kids.

Man, I love that freaking class!

Then it was off to Korean tutoring and an attempt to walk home. I didn't have my map, but had a general sense of where I was going, and the signs to the Train Station are always reliable, though they never indicate distance. I crossed the river and finally came across the 220 bus line. I was in work shoes so I walked a few more bus stops and grabbed the bus.

This was good because it turned left on a ramp that went over the train tracks, and I'd never have guessed that.

This was bad because I was really only 15-20 minutes from home and it sucks not to close the walk out. It's like slappin' the ho, killing the snitch, or any of myriad things we pimps (thanks MAF!) do - it really should be completed.

By the time I got home I was comfortably exercised and ready for my evening liver-laving with soju.

Which is where I am now.

Making them Caligula Pimplans....


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:23 AM

    Peace out, biatchhh!

