Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Which video, besides its complete awesomenosity, is there because I have purchased a wireless router and consequently have the web at home. I will now slump into a completely productionless search for bits of the good porn on the intarwebs. It's ok at the moment as I've sent off my last bit of writing, a piece BKF and I did on proverbs in education (yeah, a slender reed, but it might get published, so...). Next step is, I suppose, to buy the second hand TV that TSR is flogging.

I should note many things, but probably won't.

OAF is in town and that is a happy event. We're a bit separated by the entire town, but anyone who knows me knows I don't hew close in most cases anyway. She is doing well (day 2, of course) and her apartment is in a part of town that reveals my neighborhood as the slum it is. We have figured out the good news that there is one bus that pretty much runs door-to-door from our houses.

We have each had a major walking expedition to each other's house, the only difference being she found mine and I got rather majorly lost and then, just as I was about to get home, saw the bus I KNEW went to her place running by me. With my stupidity sorted out, we now know the trails.

I should also note that my optimistic analysis from last Saturday, that the OAF had been picked up by her director at Daejeon Station, was... well.. optimistic. Even though I ran through the place twice, I didn't see the OAF and neither did her director. So he headed to every other train and bus station in the town.

One of the charms of Korea is its comprehensive public transportation system, and this is partly (as is every thing else here) the result of many nodes. So the OAF was in the train station (dwarfed by her luggage, I believe) for several hours as I and the director swept past her.

They finally got her, and the word is she works in a lovely hagwon..

I have been through the farce that is "Senior English Exam" as well as the "Sports Festival." I hope to blog both of these in the next two days, but this weekend it just may be off to Icheon (and there is a story of my epic stupidity in that, as you know) for the ceramics festival. Sunday looks to be the key day of the month, and both the OAF and I should be off on that day.

My last note is that I caught myself, with the iPod on, walking down the hill hollering Led Zeppelin lyrics and smiling. It occurred to me that this was an unlikely scenario only three months ago. I am still convinced that life is useless, the 49ers may not win another Super Bowl in mind, and that palliatives are weak. Eventually it will come down to a hammer and a knitting needle with a wire attached to a bare light-socket. It always does.

Til then? It's nice to be singing on your way home. ;-)

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