Wednesday, May 07, 2008

I sometimes make light-hearted fun of BPU for the way it teaches things, particularly EFL. But I can proudly say that BPU's character building mission is a profoundly serious (you can turn that around and be just as vacuous - "a seriously profound" one). For evidence I can point to it's determined, steadfast, and obstacle-overcoming commitment to.. CANCELING CLASSES THAT I TEACH!


Just like that (the little note in my box saying that a class is cancelled for some kind of 'athletic'* festival) my character is fucking built. Built my droogs, built. And out of the same rotted planks, diseased mortar, and uncertain foundations it was ever built from: Drinking, sleeping in late, and not working until mid-afternoon.

Tomorrow morning's class is cancelled and this means I don't have a class til middle afternoon. Weather permitting it will be a day for a longer walk then yesterday and a fuller exploration of empty town (BTW - for those of you who don't look at the comments, do look at the comments from my previous ghost town post. MAF has an excellent link from a few years ago about an intrepid woman on a motorcycle who photo-journalized the dead areas around Chernobyl).

On other notes, the weather has been freaking spectacular - hottish (upper 70's and lower 80's) and clear... not even any smog to mention. Also, of interest to my mottled self, I learned today that doctors here do laser mole-removals for about 13 bucks, including totally superfluous unknown injection into the buttocks.

WTF? How cheap is that?

It's like, not socialized medicine, but also completely without any threat of a lawsuit. And, it isn't corporatized.

Do we have a model here people?

And then, the OAF got all of her paperwork done and will be arriving here in about 10 days. YAY! My presumption is that the move here will be like it was for me - a lovely way to get out of a crappy job and get that palimpsest scraped clean yet again. I hear rumours she can be allowed at dinner tables with settings! I intend to try this rumour out after I re-try a couple of other things out.

You gotsta have priorities

*This is an oxymoron. As I'm sure I've covered elsewhere, BPU students are shockingly un-athletic. I set me this yearly physical goal that I should surpass in the first 4 months here. Then, then, I will buy me a basketball and unleash my ghetto skills on these foos'.

No, really. For this place I would have ghetto skills. And I'd be a decent soccer player as well. I don't get this part of things here. It probably awaits my closer analysis of BPU, college status, and students?


  1. Anonymous1:16 AM

    Many college students in Korea are not athletic because they don't have time (not even class time) to exercise. They get through 3 years of their high school sitting on their butts, studying to pass SAT and go to college. Many become fat or gaunt due to lack of exercise. Poor souls!


    (now, do we have a model here for American high schoolers, people!)

  2. Anonymous1:44 AM

    Go show them whipper-snappers your skills...then you will get a better look at the medical care there.


  3. Anonymous2:07 AM

    Breaking News!

    JFFF* has heart attack showing off his "Ghetto Skills", gets up close and personal tour of SK medical facility......

    *think of one of HYS's favorite descriptions of a former boss.....

    Yer sis

  4. Anonymous3:33 PM

    We're laughing with you!


  5. LOL..

    Of course I remember "Jelly Filled Fat Fuck" as I have become one.

    And AF's protestations of cameraderie strike me as... well, like I was struck.


  6. Anonymous8:11 AM

    I would never strike a FagMaster!
