Thursday, May 01, 2008

I have no idea why a coffee-machine in Korea would have football on it at all, much less Pac-10 football. My guess is that is one of the only leagues in the country in which you could snap a picture of a college football game and actually get three white faces in the thing.

On the other hand, the complete lack of fans that you see in the background suggest that this is an actual picture of that actual league. Stanford versus Oregon, unless I've lost my memory of the gang colors of the rich white colleges.

I saw this out of the corner of my eye and it drew me across the street so quickly I didn't even look for rogue taxicabs.

I was lucky.

Then there is the "Bucky Katt" wallpaper which features a vine growing completely through Bucky's skull. It gives me something to wake up to every morning, I'm telling you. I can't tell if the top bit of the bottom half is the part of Bucky's skull that was buried in the dirt, or if the evil (Korean no doubt!) vine has destroyed half of his noble orb.

Which is, if you think about it, far too much thinking about my wallpaper.

The editing thing for the pro-nuke folks went splendidly, now we'll see if they pay me (Ewha has still not paid me for work I did some months ago). It sounds like they will used me again, and I certainly hope so.

Since the plan here is to make money and then come buy all of America on the cheap (When Bush's ruinations have come to complete fruit, some couple of years from now), it seems as though all is going well.

So tell me about yourselves?


  1. Anonymous7:17 AM

    I think you've been gettin' too fuzzy, dude......

    Me? Campaigning. outs.

    yer sis

  2. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Ewha has not paid you yet? Have you contacted them?


  3. Anonymous6:16 AM


