Monday, May 12, 2008

Homesick Day - I Yileded to it..

Today I felt the twinges..

not for the US per se. As a country Korea is fine and as a town Daejeon is also fine. But all the ethereal voices I now deal with on email and blogger seem.. insubstantial.

Eating shrimp on the beach, coffee (ok, booze) in a boite, bookstores that have books in English, real mountains and red wine, basketball (as it should be played) games, quesadillas.

Today all of that appeared at my table like Banquo's ghost.

I should have had more chairs. ;-)

I should also note that each of those things I miss seems to be about places and things, each one is tightly associated with a couple of you.

So there you materialists!
Instead, I shall adopt that strategy that Montgomery's have succesfully adopted across generation, centuries, and epochs.

I'm gonna get drunk.

That pic at the start was my initial answer to the fact that my stove won't allow the heat to be turned down below a certain point. Instead, I raised the pan.

First I tried to get a wok (pace MAF), but I'd need to walk downtown to get that. So I temporized. I finally realized that, if I'm cooking only one thing, that gas cut-off valve will allow me any level of gas I want ("I'll have the Treblinka, sir").
Finally. One good thing about living in Korea is that choices are reduced. I don't have to decide between delicious, delicious chocolate and the lure of booze and weed....
I can get all Crunky!
Man.. I love this place..
Homesickness is officially over...


  1. Anonymous5:28 AM

    OK, you felt the twinges, but did you feel the earthquake in China?

    yer sis

  2. Anonymous7:43 AM

    You've got a real type of thing going down, gettin' down
    There's a whole lot of rhythm going round

    Ow, we want the crunk
    Give up the crunk
    Ow, we need the crunk
    We gotta have that crunk

    La la la la la
    Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo, owww!

    We're gonna turn this mother out...

    Now THAT'S some USA shit, man!


  3. Anonymous11:37 PM

    This piece was touching, man!
    Very unusual from Charles I have known.

    Shit! I want to go to Korea. Here's my homesickness...

    (Then, when I get to Korea, I go "Shit! I miss California...")

