Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Great Ceramics Fest Must Wait!

Since I went out and visited the OAF today and we took a big sweaty walk up to a temple-like resting place on the hills. Then, as I walked back from the "World Store" (I was picking up some decent beer for a meeting later with TSR, the God of Garbage chose to shine his benificence on me, and so I walked home from the Bus Station with a small tea table and a backpack full of 15 pounds of beer.

The table was rather grotty and that first picture of it is as it sits in the bathroom waiting for me to join it in the shower. Once there, I stripped down (I imagine you all have a mental picture of this) and cleaned it rather extensively.

Then I cleaned myself rather extensively.

It dried in a few minutes and looked absolutely wondrous in its new role as "Piece of furniture that ties the entire room together."

Soon it is off to Academic Writing, and then a quick return to have dinner with TSR. And also pick up, if he has completely downloaded it yet, the complete discography of Queen (I am currently downloading the complete discography of Elvis Costello).

Home early, alas, as I teach at 9, and with days waning in this semester, I can't eff up (student evaluations are just around the corner!)

BTW.. Yvonne's apartment pics should go up soon at her new blog:



  1. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Aieeee! Kiler fan! Killer Fan! Runnnnnnnn!

    yer sis

  2. Anonymous6:44 AM

    What are you, some kind of blog pimp?


  3. MAF,

    I am every kind of pimp. And I don't just pimp, I Caligula pimp!

    Cause that's how we roll in Daejeon!

  4. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Pimp on, my friend. It's a good thing you can do that, because your link ain't worth a carp!

